CVSD is a growing district—serving over 14,000 students in 30 schools and learning centers across 80 square miles. And, we are predicted to continue to grow. Projecting student enrollment is critical to school facilities planning. CVSD prediction models for future enrollment – based on historical trend data and projected growth – were updated for the elementary, middle, and high schools as part of each level's boundary review process.
The 2015 construction bond ($121.9 million) was leveraged so that every local dollar invested garnered an additional $0.85 from the state. The state match was originally estimated at $58 million. However, after utilizing a K-3rd grade class-size reduction grant and
leveraging matching dollars, the state match ended up being $104 million. The sound planning by the Capital Facilities Committee, School Board and district administration – together with the maximized local investment –
allowed the district to complete additional projects ahead of the original “2010-2033 Capital Facilities Plan” with five additional projects. While the 2015 construction bond added capacity to the elementary schools (6,738 students for 2018, above the 2020 population prediction), there continued to be space needed at the secondary level.
The 2018 construction bond ($129.9 million with a state match of $27.4 million) ensured an additional 720 student capacity for middle schools with the new Selkirk Middle School and the expansion and renovation of Horizon. The middle school population had been projected to be over capacity in 2020 by 400 students. The high schools were over capacity by over 1,000 students. The new
Ridgeline High School, which was approved as part of the 2018 construction bond, increased capacity at the high school level by 1,600 students. In addition, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems were upgraded at Broadway, Progress and University elementary schools as well as Summit and Central Valley High School.
All 2015 and 2018 construction bond projects were completed on time and either on or under budget. By leveraging every possible dollar, the district and CVSD School Board
completed ten (10) additional construction projects than what was originally promised to the Central Valley community—with
no additional taxpayer dollars.
Almost 30 projects were completed within seven years. In order to set up the 2015 construction bond projects for success in a short timeframe, the district moved five entire schools over the course of five consecutive weekends. As soon as school ended on a Friday afternoon, the district moved everything in the school and reset in the new location before the start of school on a Monday morning. By doing so, the district kept on track for completing all projects on or ahead of time.
Did You Know? Ripple Effect Reaches You...
School construction affects the entire community. Whether your neighbor has school kids; your other neighbor may be a school employee; or another may work for a construction firm, supplier or the like; OR your future nurse, doctor, accountant, lawyer, or other future professional currently attends school – it affects you.
It also has an economic impact – a ripple effect throughout the region – to the tune of more than $600 million as a one-time construction impact, plus over 500 jobs and an on-going, annual impact of over $500 million spread across the community for both the 2015 and 2018 construction bonds.