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Strategic Plan Presentation to the School Board
The CVSD 2023-2028 Strategic Plan draft directions presentation at the March 27, 2023 School Board Meeting.
Uploaded Mar 31, 2023. Also listed in School Board -
Strategic Plan Community Workshop
The Fast Forward CVSD 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will be our pathway to success for the next five years. Our community's voice is an integral part of this process. As part of this process, Dr. John Parker, CVSD Superintendent held a community webinar on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.
Uploaded Feb 09, 2023
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CVSD Student Impact
The CVSD local levy provides funding for many of the programs that keep students engaged in school.
Uploaded Jan 30, 2021
Programs like athletics and co-curricular activities contribute to our outstanding over 90% graduation rate.
In Central Valley, almost 4,400 students in middle and high school participate in athletics, providing them opportunities to connect with peers and develop important leadership skills.
Over 9,500 middle and high school students are engaged in co-curricular activities, like band, drama, "Math is Cool" and our nearly 100 other programs that allow students to explore their interests.
8,700 elementary students participate in our athletics and activities. This includes over 1,000 students who are part of our community-driven "Active 4 Youth" cross country program.
Levy funds make these programs and activities possible and are essential to the well-rounded CVSD experience for our students.
Ballots are due for the 2021 Replacement Levy on February 9th.
To learn more, please visit
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CVSD Replacement Levy
CVSD School Programs and Operations Levy is a renewal of our existing levy. This replacement levy comes before voters every three years and simply replaces the expiring levy.
Uploaded Jan 30, 2021
Our current levy rate is $2.48/thousand of assessed property value. The new levy rate is $2.40/thousand and maintains this rate for the next three years from 2022-2024.
These local levy dollars provide nearly 14% of the school district's budget, helping to sustain existing programs that are essential to the well-rounded educational experience at CVSD.
The district carefully manages its budget to maximize every dollar providing value and reliability to taxpayers.
Ballots for the 2021 Replacement Levy are due February 9th.
To learn more, please visit
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CVSD State Funding vs Levy Funding
Our local levy fills the gap between what the state funds for basic education and the actual costs of the quality services and staff at Central Valley School District.
Uploaded Jan 27, 2021
Essential staffing positions like nurses, campus resource officers and counselors are not fully funded by the state--levy dollars make up the difference.
For example, state funding pays for only three nurses across the entire district. Levy dollars fund an additional twelve nurses.
The state funds 29 counselors. Our levy dollars fund an additional seven.
And the levy pays for all 553 of our coaches and co-curricular activity advisors.
The levy also supports staffing to maintain smaller class sizes at all grade levels.
Local levy dollars ensure these services reach all of our 14,500 students supporting their well being and academic success.
The election for the 2021 Replacement Levy is February 9th.
To learn more, please visit
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CVSD Levy Programs and Staff
The Central Valley School District local levy provides funding for essential programs and staff that create quality schools.
Uploaded Jan 27, 2021
These levy dollars fill the gap between state funding and the actual cost of services.
Important programs for our families, like special education, AP courses and extracurriculars like athletics, music and drama, are all funded by the levy.
The levy also provides for lower class sizes and funds services like technology, safety and security, and counseling support.
This means every CVSD student has a laptop who needs one. And counselors are connecting with students and families every day, whether virtually or in person.
With the community support of the levy, we are able to create the best learning environment possible for our students.
The election for the 2021 Replacement Levy is February 9th.
To learn more, please visit
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CVSD Community Connections "Navigating through Innovation"
In case you missed the Community Connections webinar this week, here is a recording. We appreciate connecting with our community. Let us know if you have any additional questions.
Uploaded Jan 25, 2021
Superintendent Ben Small & co-hosts Greater Spokane Incorporated & Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce discuss “Navigating through Innovation”:
* The state of our CV schools
* How we’re navigating these unprecedented times while providing innovative education
* Learn more about the levy
#WeAreCVSD #CommunityDriven #CVSDForwardTogether -
CVSD Community Support
#WeAreCVSD and we are #CommunityDriven and thankful for our #CommunitySupport
Uploaded Jan 20, 2021 -
KSPS Levy Information
Learn more information about the upcoming levy on February 9th from KSPS television.
Uploaded Jan 20, 2021 -
CVSD Extracurricular Activities
Our CVSD coaches & advisors provide essential social learning for our students.
Uploaded Jan 04, 2021
Michael Muzatko, CVHS Theater Director says, "One of the reasons I like working at CV is because there isn't a stigma. Like a sports kid who is the quarterback of the football team can be Captain Hook in Peter Pan. We are a very aggressive program. They take it very seriously. Professionalism is a work ethic and an attitude -- it is not a paycheck -- and they can recite that to you. Kids that are involved in the arts, their brains fire differently. It encourages them to come up with multiple solutions to one problem and they do better academically across the board. The voters provided us with this facility and I will forever be grateful for the voters of the city of Spokane Valley."
Ryan Butner, CVHS Health & Fitness Teacher & Football Coach adds, "You see a lot of character in a student when they are put into a competitive situation. Team bonding allows the kids to be a part of something bigger than themselves. The athletic programs at Central Valley are essential to our school and our community because it provides an opportunity for kids no matter their background."
Our CVSD extracurricular and co-curricular programs and activities are made possible by local support. #CVSDActivities #LocalSupport
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CVSD Levy Dollars During the Pandemic
Local levy funding has been critical in helping Central Valley School District respond to the pandemic.
Uploaded Jan 04, 2021
Levy dollars have funded laptops for every student who needs one in our district and the technology to make district learning possible.
Our local levy also funds essential positions like nurses, counselors and custodians, who play a critical role in keeping school buildings open as students return to in-person learning as well as providing support for students with distance learning.
Levy dollars have helped fund over 975,000 meals to students in our community including meal delivery for those experiencing food insecurity.
Levy funding has been essential to help us meet the needs of our community during this time.
And levy funding will help us return to programs students have missed over the past year, like sports, music and drama.
The election for the 2021 Replacement Levy is February 9th.
To learn more, please visit
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CVSD Counseling & Career Advice
Our CVSD counselors provide caring comfort as well as career advice.
Uploaded Jan 04, 2021
McDonald Elementary Counselor Missy Scott says, "My role in the student's experience is to come along side them and support them in their academics, their behavior, socially and emotionally, so that they're successful in all avenues and aspects of their life. I have been really proud of our kids and our families given the difficulty of this time. Every child can learn and every child is worth of everything that we can put in to help them succeed. I couldn't do my job without the support of the community. I think it takes a village and they are amazing." #CVSDCaringComfort
University High School College & Career Counselor Nicole Rippee adds, "I like to start big picture and think, 'Where do you see yourself ten years from now? What are you passionate about? What are you excited about?' and exploring how that translates into a career. We're really trying to still provide all the same resources for kids, but just doing it through a screen. Myself and other counselors can be that catalyst to look at them and be like 'You've got this! You can do it!'" #CVSDCareerAdvice
Our counseling and career advice is made possible by local support. #CVSDCounselors #LocalSupport
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