Transportation Services » Transportation FAQs

Transportation FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Transportation

Can my child ride the school bus?
It depends on where you live. According to Central Valley School District Policy (6600): "It shall be the policy of the Central Valley School District Board of Directors to provide school bus transportation to and from school for all eligible students. All bus stops shall be at least one (1) radius mile from the destination school unless identified hazardous conditions or other district identified special circumstance, require stops within the radius mile. Students who reside beyond one (1) radius mile from their assigned school shall be transported to school if they walk or parent/guardians transport them to their assigned pick-up/drop-off location. Ridership guidelines shall be enforced. If the child uses a childcare facility (daycare) and that facility is both within the school attendance area the child attends and more than 1 mile from the school, or in a designated "safety busing zone," transportation will be provided to and from school. Please call the District Transportation office at 558-3025, or e-mail us at [email protected], to see if your child is eligible for school bus transportation. In order to provide accurate information concerning eligibility, we will need the exact address of the child's residence or childcare facility. 

Can my kindergarten student ride the bus?
Yes. Bus route stop locations and times can be found on our CVSD website. All bus stops shall be at least one (1) radius mile from the destination school unless identified hazardous conditions or other district identified special circumstance, require stops within the radius mile. If you have any additional questions please call or email the transportation department. Remember Kindergarten students MUST be met by a parent at the bus stop. If you want your child released without a parent meeting them, we must have a written note on file. Your child’s safety is our utmost concern.
Will you transport my child to and from a childcare facility which is located outside of their attendance area?
No. The childcare facility must be within the school attendance area the child attends and more than 1 mile from the school, or in a designated "safety busing zone," for transportation to be provided to and from school.
Are there any exceptions to the one mile rule?
Yes. According to Central Valley School District Policy (6600), "the district shall provide transportation to and from school for students whose walking route to school is considered hazardous by the district; whose disability prevents him/her from walking or providing for his/her own welfare while walking; or who has another compelling and legally sufficient reason to receive transportation services.” For an area to be designated as a "safety busing zone," it must meet criteria which has been approved by the School Board. If you live in an area, or your childcare facility is located in an area, designated by the School Board as a "safety busing zone," transportation will be provided to and from school. Please call the District Transportation office at 558-3025, or e-mail us at [email protected] to see if your address (or childcare facility address) is located in a "safety busing zone".
How do I get my child to school if they can't ride the school bus?
The final decision about what is the most appropriate way to get a child safely to and from school must rest with the parent(s)/guardian(s). The parent/guardian is the person most knowledgeable about the child's abilities and is in the best position to choose the safest and most appropriate way in their area to get the child safely to and from school. Some options for consideration include: walking with a parent/guardian; walking in a group with other students/parents; being driven to school (by a parent/guardian, grandparents, friends, etc.); carpooling; riding bikes; public transportation; private transportation providers (see telephone book); and childcare providers.
How do I find my closest bus stop?
Transportation routing information is on the CVSD website and can be determined by finding the closest stop to your address. Stops are listed by elementary, middle, and high school with AM stop times. As PM times vary based on weather and other factors, these times are not currently listed. If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call 558-3025.

What if my child would like to get off at a different stop then their assigned stop?
If they want to go home with a friend after school then the driver will need to have a written request from the parent. The safety of your child is of utmost importance and our drivers are aware of your student’s normal stop. WAC 392-145-060 (1) states: “A school bus driver shall not order or allow a student to depart the school bus other than at his or her regular stop unless permission is first obtained in accordance with district policy.”
How are school bus stops established?
Routes are based on state guidelines, district policy, and student transportation eligibility. Every effort is made to establish school bus stops near where students live. While we do not stop at the home of each student, we do use the homes of students whenever possible as a stop for students living in that area. Stop locations and distances may vary depending upon the number of students in the area and the type of area (urban/rural) served.
How do I request a school bus stop be added or changed?
Please email [email protected] to request a stop/change request form. Each request is evaluated before the decision is made to add or change a stop. Once a stop change is approved, it may take up to two weeks to have it implemented because other riders need to be notified of the change and, in some cases, a bus or buses may need to be rerouted.
Can my student get on at one bus stop in the morning and get off at a different stop at the end of the day?
No. Safety and consistency are essential with transportation. Your child’s AM/PM stop must be the same. If you have extenuating circumstances, you may contact the transportation office to evaluate your request at 558-3025 or [email protected].
I don't think my child's bus stop is in a safe location. What can I do?
Please submit a stop change form and email it to [email protected]. They will investigate your concern and provide a response to you after completing an assessment of the situation.
Will you provide transportation to and from the school to which they have been assigned?
Yes. The school secretary will forward the request for transportation to our office. Transportation will be set up within three to five working days.
I have (choiced) permission for my child to attend a school other than the one designated for our area through the open enrollment policy. Will you provide transportation to and from school?
According to Central Valley School District policy (6600), “a parent or guardian who elects to have his/her students attend a school outside his/her normal attendance area is not eligible for 'to and from' school transportation." No stops will be added and no routes will be altered in order to accommodate open enrollment students.

Have additional questions? Please email [email protected] or call 558-3025.