Curriculum » 2nd Grade

2nd Grade


In grade two, students will extend their understanding of place value to the hundreds place. They will use this place value understanding to solve word problems, including those involving length and other units of measure. Students will continue to work on their addition and subtraction skills, quickly and accurately adding and subtracting numbers up through 20 and also working with numbers up through 100. They will also build a foundation for understanding fractions by working with shapes and geometry. Activities in these areas will include:

  • Quickly and accurately adding numbers together that total up to 20 or less or subtracting from numbers up through 20
  • Solving one- or two-step word problems by adding or subtracting numbers up through 100 
  • Understanding what the different digits mean in a three-digit number
  • Adding and subtracting three digit numbers
  • Measuring lengths of objects in standard units such as inches and centimeters
  • Solving addition and subtraction word problems involving length 
  • Solving problems involving money
  • Breaking up a rectangle into same-size squares
  • Dividing circles and rectangles into halves, thirds, or fourths 
  • Solving addition, subtraction, and comparison word problems using information presented in a bar graph
  • Writing equations to represent addition of equal numbers

Math Information & Resources

English Language Arts:

In grade two, students will continue to build important reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. They will think, talk, and write about what they read in variety of texts, such as stories, books, articles, and other sources of information including the Internet. In their writing, students will learn how to develop a topic and strengthen their skills by editing and revising. Activities in these areas will include:

  • Reading stories, including fables and folktales from different cultures, and identifying the lesson or moral of the story
  • Reading texts about history, social studies, or science and identifying the main idea
  • Answering who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about stories and books
  • Describing the reasons that an author gives to support a point 
  • Learning and using new words
  • Learning the rules of spoken and written English
  • Participating in class discussions by listening and building on what others are saying
  • Describing in their own words information learned from articles or books read aloud
  • Working together to gather facts and information on a topic
  • Writing about a short series of events and describing actions, thoughts, and feelings
  • Writing about opinions on books using important details and examples to support a position 

Language Arts Information & Resources