Curriculum » 7th Grade

7th Grade


In grade seven, students will further develop their understanding of rates and ratios, using tables, graphs, and equations to solve real-world problems involving proportional relationships. Students will also work on quickly and accurately solving multi-step problems involving positive and negative rational numbers—any number that can be made by dividing one integer by another, such as ½, 0.75, or 2. Additionally, students will expand their knowledge of geometry and apply the properties of operations to solve real world problems involving the measurement of multi-dimensional objects. Activities in these areas will include:

  • Determining whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship and using knowledge of rates, ratios, proportions, and percentages to solve multi-step problems
  • Identifying the unit rate of change (the constant rate at which the value of a variable changes) in tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions 
  • Calculating the unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, including quantities measured in different units (for example, the ratio of ½ a mile for every ¼ of an hour means that you travel 2 miles in an hour)
  • Solving problems using equations to find the value of one missing variable 
  • Applying the properties of operations to generate equivalent mathematical expressions
  • Solving multi-step word problems by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative rational numbers in any form (including whole numbers, fractions, or decimals) 
  • Understanding that numbers cannot be divided by 0
  • Converting rational numbers to decimals using long division
  • Describing situations in which positive and negative quantities combine to make 0
  • Finding the area of two-dimensional objects and the volume and surface area of three-dimensional objects

Parent Roadmap - Supporting your child in 7th Grade Mathematics

CCSS Focus 7th Grade Mathematics

English Language Arts

In grade seven, students will continue to develop the ability to cite relevant evidence when interpreting or analyzing a text or supporting their points in speaking and writing. Your child will also build academic vocabulary as he or she reads more complex texts, including stories, plays, historical novels, poems, and informational books and articles. Activities in these areas will include:

  • Analyzing how the form or structure of a play or poem contributes to its meaning
  • Analyzing how particular elements of a story or play interact (like how the setting shapes the characters or plot)
  • Determining how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text
  • Conducting short research projects, drawing on several sources and identifying related questions for further research and investigation
  • Engaging in a range of classroom discussions on topics and texts, expressing ideas clearly and building on the ideas of others
  • Identifying a speaker’s argument and specific claims and evaluating the reasoning and evidence behind these claims
  • Using clues such as word roots or add-ons to a word (such as the prefix hyper–, which means ‘excessive’ in the words hyperactive and hypersensitive) to determine the meaning of a word
  • Interpreting figures of speech or references to literature or mythology in a text
  • Writing for a range of purposes and audiences

Parent Roadmap - Supporting your child in 7th Grade English Language Arts