Grade 6 ELA
English Language Arts
In grade six, students will read a range of challenging books, articles, and texts, and will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the material by answering questions and contributing to class discussions. In writing, students will continue to work on their use of language, sentence structure, and organization of ideas. They will also be expected to integrate information from different sources and respond to challenging content through written interpretation and analysis. Activities in these areas will include:
- Providing detailed summaries of texts
- Determining the theme of a text and how it is conveyed
- Describing how a particular story or play unfolds and how characters respond to plot developments
- Using a range of reading strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words as they are used in a text
- Comparing and contrasting various texts, including poems, stories, and historical novels
- Understanding the figurative and connotative (implied) meaning of words and phrases
- Identifying and evaluating specific claims or arguments in a text
- Supporting written claims or arguments with clear reasons and relevant evidence
- Producing clear and coherent writing appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience
- Participating in class discussions about various texts and topics
- Conducting short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources
Parent Roadmap - Supporting your child in 6th Grade English Language Arts