Small Works Roster

The Small Works Roster is our listing of any State of Washington licensed contractors who have applied for and been placed on the roster.


The Roster:


is used for capital projects under $350,000.

makes it easier for contractors to compete for public works projects.

helps reduce the cost of bidding for small projects.


Register for our Roster here:

Active/Upcoming Small Works Projects
None at this time


How does the Small Works Roster work?


Contractors/Firms register to be placed on the roster.

CVSD uses the roster to generate lists of contractors based on the contractor type, type of work, and project specifics.

Contractors/Firms on that list receive invitations, usually by e-mail, to bid/quote projects; interested contractors may respond.


When are registrations accepted?


Registrations are accepted at any time. We advertise the Small Works Roster annually. Additional work categories may be added from time to time.


How often do I have to update my information?


Annually. You may update your information at any time. It is your responsibility to keep your email address up to date since that is how we notify Project Postings. Certificates of Liability Insurance and W9’s must be resubmitted on an annual basis. Participation/Invitation to Projects depend on it.